--- title: "Focal quadrics and their lines of curvature" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2020-05-03' tags: R, graphics, rgl, geometry, maths rbloggers: yes output: html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE) ``` This blog post provides some R code for drawing focal quadrics and their curvatures lines with the `rgl` package. # Ellipsoid The `ellipsoidMesh` function below generates a mesh of the ellipsoid of equation $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1. $$ ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} library(rgl) ellipsoidMesh <- function(a, b, c, smoothness = 5){ stopifnot(a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) sphere <- subdivision3d(icosahedron3d(), depth = smoothness) sphere$vb[4L,] <- apply(sphere$vb[1L:3L,], 2L, function(x) sqrt(sum(x*x))) sphere$normals <- sphere$vb scale3d(sphere, a, b, c) } ``` The curvature lines of this ellipsoid are generated by the function `curvatureLinesE` given below. There are two families of curvature lines. The arguments `nu` and `nv` control the numbers of curvature lines in these two families. When the ellipsoid is tri-axial, *i.e.* when $a$, $b$, $c$ are distinct, the arguments `du` and `dv` must be positive and they control the size of the smallest curvature lines (if they were $0$, the smallest curvature lines would degenerate to segments). When the ellipsoid is an ellipsoid of revolution, *i.e.* when two values of $a$, $b$, $c$ are equal, the curvature lines are the meridians and the parallels; in this case, `du` is ignored, and `dv`, which must be positive and strictly smaller than $\frac{\pi}{2}$, control the size of the smallest parallel. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} curvatureLinesE <- function(a, b, c, nu, nv, du, dv, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if((a != b && b != c) && (a < b || b < c)){ perm <- order(c(a,b,c), decreasing = TRUE) abc <- c(a,b,c)[perm] clines <- curvatureLinesE(abc[1L], abc[2L], abc[3L], nu, nv, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, perm])) } if(a != b && b != c){ stopifnot(du > 0, dv > 0) a2 <- a^2; b2 <- b^2; c2 <- c^2 h2ab <- a2 - b2; h2ac <- a2 - c2; h2bc <- b2 - c2 if(du >= h2ab) stop("`du` is too large.") if(dv >= h2bc) stop("`dv` is too large.") out <- vector("list", 2*nv-1 + 2*nu-1) u_ <- seq(b2+du, a2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = npoints) v_ <- seq(c2, b2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((s_-b2)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(v_[j]-c2)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(-x, y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- M if(j > 1L){ out[[nv+j-1]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((u_[i]-b2)*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(t_-c2)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) } } }else{ # a == b || b == c # surface of revolution => curvature lines are meridians and parallels stopifnot(dv > 0, dv < pi/2) out <- vector("list", nu + nv) u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) v_ <- seq(-pi/2+dv, pi/2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(-pi, pi, length.out = npoints) coss_ <- cos(s_); sins_ <- sin(s_) cost_ <- cos(t_); sint_ <- sin(t_) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- a * coss_ * cos(v_[j]) y <- b * sins_ * cos(v_[j]) z <- c * sin(v_[j]) out[[j]] <- cbind(x, y, z) } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- a * cos(u_[i]) * cost_ y <- b * sin(u_[i]) * cost_ z <- c * sint_ out[[nv+i]] <- cbind(x, y, z) } } out } ``` Here is an example: ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines', eval=FALSE} a = 7; b = 5; c = 3 mesh <- ellipsoidMesh(a, b, c) clines <- curvatureLinesE(a, b, c, nu = 5, nv = 5, du = 0.4, dv = 1, npoints = 300) shade3d(mesh, col = "springgreen") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.08, sides = 30)) })) ``` ![](figures/quadrics_E.png) # One-sheeted hyperboloid There are three types of one-sheeted hyperboloids, corresponding to these equations: $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} - \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 \\ \frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 \\ -\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1. $$ The `hyperboloidMesh` function below generates a mesh of the one-sheeted hyperboloid; the `signature` argument corresponds to one of the above equations, it must be `"++-"`, `"+-+"` or `"-++"`. The mesh is made of quadrilaterals and their number is controlled by the arguments `nu` and `nv`. The hyperboloid is infinite along the direction corresponding to the minus sign, and the argument `vmin` controls the truncation of the hyperboloid in this direction. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} hyperboloidMesh <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("++-", "+-+", "-++")) stopifnot(vmin < 1, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if(signature == "+-+"){ mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(a, c, b, "++-", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(1L,3L,2L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(1L,3L,2L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) }else if(signature == "-++"){ mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(c, b, a, "++-", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(3L,2L,1L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(3L,2L,1L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) } c0 <- c if(b > a){ exchange <- TRUE a0 <- b; b0 <- a }else{ exchange <- FALSE a0 <- a; b0 <- b } Mu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- Mu2 - b0^2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Mu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # vertices <- Normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv) indices <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 4L, ncol = (nu-1)*(nv-1)) v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) # if(a0 != b0){ u_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = nu) x <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) * sqrt(a2-u_) y <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) * sqrt(u_-b2) z <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) * sqrt(u_-c2) }else{ u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] z <- rep(c0/sqrt(h2ac), nu) mxy <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) x <- mxy * cos(u_) y <- mxy * sin(u_) } for(i in 1:nu){ for(j in 1:nv){ P <- vertices[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c( x[i] * sqrt(a2-v_[j]), y[i] * sqrt(b2-v_[j]), z[i] * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) ) Normals[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c(P[1L]/a0^2, P[2L]/b0^2, -P[3L]/c0^2) } } # quads for(i in 1L:(nu-1)){ im1 <- i-1L for(j in 1L:(nv-1)){ jp1 <- j+1L quad <- c(im1*nv+j, im1*nv+jp1, i*nv+jp1, i*nv+j) indices[, im1*(nv-1)+j] <- if(exchange) rev(quad) else quad } } vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(-1,1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(-1,1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,-1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 2*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,-1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,1,-1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 4*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,1,-1) * Normals) mesh <- qmesh3d( vertices = if(exchange) vertices[c(2L,1L,3L),] else vertices, indices = indices, homogeneous = FALSE, normals = t(if(exchange) Normals[c(2L,1L,3L),] else Normals) ) mesh } ``` The `curvatureLinesH1` function below generates some curvature lines of the one-sheeted hyperboloid. There are two families of curvature lines and the desired numbers of lines in them are controlled by the arguments `nu` and `nv`. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} curvatureLinesH1 <- function(a, b, c, signature = "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("++-", "+-+", "-++")) stopifnot(vmin < 1, a > 0, b > 0, c > 0) if(signature == "+-+"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH1(a, c, b, "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[,c(1L,3L,2L)])) }else if(signature == "-++"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH1(c, b, a, "++-", nu, nv, vmin, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[,c(3L,2L,1L)])) } c0 <- c if(b > a){ exchange <- TRUE a0 <- b; b0 <- a }else{ exchange <- FALSE a0 <- a; b0 <- b } Mu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- Mu2 - b0^2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Mu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = npoints) # if(a0 != b0){ u_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(b2, a2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 5) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((s_-b2)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(c2-v_[j])) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(-x, y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M <- rbind(M, cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L])[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- M if(j < nv){ out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((u_[i]-b2)*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(c2-t_)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) if(i>1L) out[[2*nv+3*nu+i-4]] <- cbind(-M[,c(1L,2L)], M[,3L]) } if(i > 1L){ out[[2*nv+2*nu+i-3]] <- cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } }else{ # a0 = b0 u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) coss_ <- cos(s_); sins_ <- sin(s_) mxy <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 5) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mxy * sqrt(a2-v_[j]) * coss_ y <- mxy * sqrt(b2-v_[j]) * sins_ z <- mz * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) M <- cbind(x, y, z) out[[j]] <- M if(j < nv){ out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(M[,c(1L,2L)], -M[,3L]) } } r <- mxy * sqrt(a2-t_) z <- mz * sqrt(c2-t_) for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- r * cos(u_[i]) y <- r * sin(u_[i]) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv-1+i]] <- M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv-1+nu+i]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) if(i>1L) out[[2*nv+3*nu+i-4]] <- cbind(-M[,c(1L,2L)], M[,3L]) } if(i > 1L){ out[[2*nv+2*nu+i-3]] <- cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } } if(exchange){ out <- lapply(out, function(M){ M[, c(2L,1L,3L)] }) } out } ``` Here is an example: ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines', eval=FALSE} sgntr = "++-" a = 4; b = 6; c = 5 mesh <- hyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 100, nv = 100, vmin = -150) clines <- curvatureLinesH1(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 5, nv = 5, vmin = -150) shade3d(mesh, color = "chartreuse4", back = "culled") shade3d(mesh, color = "yellow", front = "culled") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.1, sides = 30)) })) ``` ![](figures/quadrics_H1.png) # Two-sheeted hyperboloid There are three types of two-sheeted hyperboloids, corresponding to these equations: $$ \frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{b^2} - \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 \\ -\frac{x^2}{a^2} - \frac{y^2}{b^2} + \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1 \\ -\frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} - \frac{z^2}{c^2} = 1. $$ The `twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh` function below generates a mesh of the two-sheeted hyperboloid; the `signature` argument corresponds to one of the above equations, it must be `"+--"`, `"--+"` or `"-+-"`. The mesh is made of quadrilaterals and their number is controlled by the arguments `nu` and `nv`. The two-sheeted hyperboloid is infinite and the argument `vmin` is here to control its truncation. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("+--", "--+", "-+-")) stopifnot(vmin < 1) if(signature == "--+"){ mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(c, b, a, "+--", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(3L,2L,1L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(3L,2L,1L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) }else if(signature == "-+-"){ mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(b, a, c, "+--", nu, nv, vmin) mesh$vb <- mesh$vb[c(2L,1L,3L,4L),] mesh$normals <- mesh$normals[c(2L,1L,3L),] mesh$ib <- mesh$ib[4L:1L,] return(mesh) } a0 <- a if(b > c){ exchange <- TRUE b0 <- c; c0 <- b }else{ exchange <- FALSE b0 <- b; c0 <- c } Nu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- b0^2 + Nu2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Nu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # vertices <- Normals <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3L, ncol = nu*nv) indices <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow = 4L, ncol = (nu-1)*(nv-1)) v_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = nv) # if(b0 != c0){ u_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = nu) x <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) * sqrt(a2-u_) y <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) * sqrt(b2-u_) z <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) * sqrt(u_-c2) }else{ u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] x <- rep(a0/sqrt(h2ac), nu) myz <- b0 / sqrt(h2ab) y <- myz * cos(u_) z <- myz * sin(u_) } for(i in 1:nu){ for(j in 1:nv){ P <- vertices[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c( x[i] * sqrt(a2-v_[j]), y[i] * sqrt(b2-v_[j]), z[i] * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) ) Normals[, (i-1)*nv+j] <- c(P[1L]/a0^2, -P[2L]/b0^2, -P[3L]/c0^2) } } # quads for(i in 1L:(nu-1)){ im1 <- i-1L for(j in 1L:(nv-1)){ jp1 <- j+1L quad <- c(im1*nv+j, im1*nv+jp1, i*nv+jp1, i*nv+j) indices[, im1*(nv-1)+j] <- if(exchange) rev(quad) else quad } } vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(-1,1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(-1,1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,-1,1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 2*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,-1,1) * Normals) vertices <- cbind(vertices, c(1,1,-1) * vertices) indices <- cbind(indices, indices[4L:1L,] + 4*nu*nv) Normals <- cbind(Normals, c(1,1,-1) * Normals) mesh <- qmesh3d( vertices = if(exchange) vertices[c(1L,3L,2L),] else vertices, indices = indices, homogeneous = FALSE, normals = -t(if(exchange) Normals[c(1L,3L,2L),] else Normals) ) mesh } ``` The `curvatureLinesH2` function below generates some curvature lines of the two-sheeted hyperboloid. The role of the arguments `du` and `dv` is similar to the role of the arguments `du` and `dv` in `curvatureLinesE`. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} curvatureLinesH2 <- function(a, b, c, signature, nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints = 100){ stopifnot(signature %in% c("+--", "--+", "-+-")) stopifnot(du > 0, dv > 0, vmin < 1) if(signature == "--+"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH2(c, b, a, "+--", nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, c(3L,2L,1L)])) }else if(signature == "-+-"){ clines <- curvatureLinesH2(b, a, c, "+--", nu, nv, vmin, du, dv, npoints) return(lapply(clines, function(l) l[, c(2L,1L,3L)])) } a0 <- a if(b > c){ exchange <- TRUE b0 <- c; c0 <- b }else{ exchange <- FALSE b0 <- b; c0 <- c } Nu2 <- a0^2 h2ab <- b0^2 + Nu2; h2ac <- c0^2 + Nu2 c2 <- 1; a2 <- c2 + h2ac; b2 <- a2 - h2ab h2bc <- b2 - c2 # if(b0 != c0 && c2+du >= b2){ stop("`du` is too large.") } if(vmin >= c2-dv){ stop("`dv` is too large") } v_ <- seq(vmin, c2-dv, length.out = nv) t_ <- seq(vmin, c2, length.out = npoints) out <- vector("list", 2*nv + 4*nu - 2) # if(b0 != c0){ u_ <- seq(c2+du, b2, length.out = nu) s_ <- seq(c2, b2, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac*h2ab) my <- b0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ab) mz <- c0 / sqrt(h2bc*h2ac) for(j in 1L:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-s_)*(a2-v_[j])) y <- my * sqrt((b2-s_)*(b2-v_[j])) z <- mz * sqrt((s_-c2)*(c2-v_[j])) M1 <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) M2 <- cbind(M1[,c(1L,2L)], -M1[,3L]) M <- rbind(M1, M2[(2*npoints-2):1L,]) out[[j]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], if(exchange) M[,c(3L,2L)] else M[,c(2L,3L)]) } for(i in 1L:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt((a2-u_[i])*(a2-t_)) y <- my * sqrt((b2-u_[i])*(b2-t_)) z <- mz * sqrt((u_[i]-c2)*(c2-t_)) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv+i]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv+nu+i]] <- if(exchange) cbind(M[,c(1L,3L)], -M[,2L]) else cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } }else{ # b0 = c0 u_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = nu+1)[-1L] s_ <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = npoints) mx <- a0 / sqrt(h2ac) myz <- b0 / sqrt(h2ab) for(j in 1:nv){ x <- mx * sqrt(a2-v_[j]) y <- myz * sqrt(b2-v_[j]) * cos(s_) z <- myz * sqrt(c2-v_[j]) * sin(s_) M <- cbind(x, y, z) out[[j]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M out[[nv+j]] <- cbind(-M[,1L], if(exchange) M[,c(3L,2L)] else M[,c(2L,3L)]) } for(i in 1:nu){ x <- mx * sqrt(a2-t_) y <- myz * sqrt(b2-t_) * cos(u_[i]) z <- myz * sqrt(c2-t_) * sin(u_[i]) M <- rbind(cbind(x, y, z), cbind(x, -y, -z)[(npoints-1):1L,]) out[[2*nv+i]] <- if(exchange) M[,c(1L,3L,2L)] else M if(i < nu){ out[[2*nv+nu+i]] <- if(exchange) cbind(M[,c(1L,3L)], -M[,2L]) else cbind(M[,1L], -M[,2L], M[,3L]) } } } # out[(2*nv+2*nu):(2*nv+4*nu-2)] <- lapply(out[(2*nv+1):(2*nv+2*nu-1)], function(M){ cbind(-M[,1L], M[,c(2L,3L)]) }) out } ``` An example: ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines', eval=FALSE} a = 6; b = 5; c = 3 sgntr = "-+-" mesh <- twoSheetsHyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, 100, 100, vmin = -500) clines <- curvatureLinesH2(a, b, c, sgntr, nu = 5, nv = 5, vmin = -500, du = 1, dv = 20, npoints = 300) shade3d(mesh, color = "navyblue", back = "culled") shade3d(mesh, color = "goldenrod", front = "culled") invisible(lapply(clines, function(l){ shade3d(cylinder3d(l, radius = 0.2, sides = 30)) })) ``` ![](figures/quadrics_H2.png) # General quadric A general quadric in $\mathbb{R}^3$ has equation $$ (x \quad y \quad z)\, A \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{pmatrix} + J' \begin{pmatrix} x \\ y \\ z \end{pmatrix} + K = 0, $$ where $A$ is a symmetric $(3\times 3)$-matrix, $J \in \mathbb{R}^3$, and $K \in \mathbb{R}$. Let's treat an example. We follow the strategy given at page 45 of Brannan & al's book *Geometry* ([pdf](http://math.haifa.ac.il/ROVENSKI/B2.pdf)). ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} A = matrix(c( 5, -1, -1, -1, 3, 1, -1, 1, -3 ), nrow = 3L, ncol = 3L) J = c(4, 6, 8) K = -10 # computes spectral decomposition of A eig <- eigen(A) P <- eig$vectors ( evalues <- eig$values ) ``` There is no eigenvalue equal to $0$; this is the first necessary condition in order for the solution of the equation to be a focal quadric. Now we write the equation in the form $$ \lambda_1 {(x'')}^2 + \lambda_2 {(y'')}^2 + \lambda_3 {(z'')}^2 = \mathrm{rhs} $$ where $\lambda_1$, $\lambda_2$, $\lambda_3$ are the eigenvalues of $A$, and $(x'',y'',z'')$ is a new coordinate system. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} center <- c(t(J) %*% P) / evalues / 2 ( rhs <- sum(evalues * center^2) - K ) ( sgntr <- paste0(ifelse(rhs*evalues > 0, "+", "-"), collapse = "") ) ``` We find $\mathrm{rhs} \neq 0$, so the solution of the equation is a focal quadric. If $\mathrm{rhs} = 0$, the solution is a cone. The signature is $++-$, so the solution of the equation is a one-sheeted hyperboloid. By dividing both members of the previous equality by $\mathrm{rhs}$, we get its equation in standard form. ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} abc <- sqrt(abs(rhs/evalues)) a <- abc[1]; b <- abc[2]; c <- abc[3] mesh0 <- hyperboloidMesh(a, b, c, sgntr, 100, 100, -5) # final quadric mesh: mesh <- rotate3d( translate3d(mesh0, -center[1], -center[2], -center[3]), matrix = t(P) ) ``` We can check that the equation is fulfilled for some vertices of the final mesh: ```{r, attr.source='.numberLines'} apply(mesh$vb[-4, 1:5], 2L, function(x){ c(t(x) %*% A %*% x + t(J) %*% x) + K }) ``` Up to small numerical errors, we indeed get $0$ for each of the five vertices.